I created J Consulting Group in 2016 to help communities, organizations, and groups build heathier more sustainable places to live, play and work. To be successful in this, I knew that engaging the people most impacted was critical to building better.
As an urban planner, my work is dedicated to helping communities be more inclusive, and healthier places to be. And my passion is engaging people, as many people as possible, in these processes. Finding unique and effective ways of engaging people in the planning of our communities, our organizations, our businesses is what I focus on everyday.
Over the years I have established collaborative successful relationships with amazing experts across various sectors to best meet the needs of my clients and communities. Together, we have been working passionately with our clients and communities to discover, explore and design solutions to the complex challenges we are facing. We do this through our expertise in consultation, research, policy development, program design, and strategic planning. We employ unique strategies and creative approaches to dig below the surface to better understand the barriers and system structures that are getting the way of achieving our objectives. Once defined, we facilitate the processes to design and implement solutions.
continuous learning and professional development
establishing and maintaining strong partnerships with clients, associates, and communities
delivering authentic high-quality products and services
putting the people most impacted by project outcomes at the centre of planning and decision making
Jodi has a passion and excitement for brining people together in conversation and dialogue to ignite ideas and solutions to community and organizational challenges. Jodi has seventeen years' experience in the consulting sector working with of broad range of public, private, and non-profit organizations. Through the integration of a range of creative methods, she work with clients and stakeholders to dig below the surface to better understand current challenges, opportunities, and develop real solutions to organizational, community, and system challenges. Jodi has designed, planned, and facilitated numerous consultation events, at a community, regional and national level, using a range of both traditional and innovative approaches and techniques.
As Founder and Director, Jodi has worked with local governments in over 35 communities across Canada; guiding and facilitating their efforts to engage their communities in community planning initiatives. Jodi has worked with federal agencies such as Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation on national research projects aimed at creating greater awareness of the housing needs across the Country. She has also worked with numerous non-profit organizations to help them better meet the needs of their clients by conducting needs assessments and facilitating strategic planning initiatives.
Jodi is a Registered Professional Planner with the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and has been an active member of the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Canada since 2015 and has been on the Executive Board of the IAP2 Great Lakes chapter since 2016. As an Executive Member, Jodi recently completed the IAP2 Canada Indigenous Awareness for IAP2 Canada Leaders program. Jodi possesses a Master's degree in Environmental Studies from York University, specializing in Community Planning and Policy Development.
Jodi is an International Association of Facilitators (IAF) Certified Professional Facilitator. As a Certified Professional Facilitator Jodi provides process facilitation for groups and organizations in areas such as decision making, strategic planning, and goal setting.
Cassandra brings extensive research, policy, consultation, and evaluation experience on a variety of social issues, and a particular expertise in housing and homelessness.
Cassandra has provided research and policy support in various capacities for almost 15 years. She has over a decade of consulting experience and has completed over 75 reports and studies in the areas of housing, homelessness, health, food justice, and social services. Prior to forming her own consulting company, Cassandra was a Principal with SHS Consulting.
Cassandra possesses a Masters of Science in Planning from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Commerce in Economics and Finance from the University of Guelph. She is a Registered Professional Planner with the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and a Member of the Canadian Evaluation Society.
Karen possesses more than 25 years of professional experience in all aspects of the firm's consulting work, as well as public sector experience. The focus of her work has been in developing healthy cities through the development of strategic partnerships in: development planning, recreation site development and parks and recreation programming.
An effective Project Director, she has led multi-disciplinary teams of planners, engineers, architects, landscape architects and programmers in the delivery and renewal of complex recreation sites and land planning applications.
Her passion for travel has also influenced her best practices approach to parkland and community development. These indelible experiences from Europe, Africa, and South America have in turn re-ignited her quest to define how well we are servicing local: sport, recreation, and leisure needs.
Tracey is a registered professional planner, certified master public participation practitioner and certified professional facilitator specializing in:
Tracey brings groups together to explore ideas, opportunities and issues, identify collaborative approaches, enabling groups to learn together and take action.
Tracey's project involvement has focused on complex and/or controversial projects in the areas of energy, sustainability, public water system management, municipal planning, transportation and public transit, waste management, wastewater infrastructure, strategic planning, visioning and community development.
Phone: 905-399-5634
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